The Jodhpur Lore is an initiative born out of a lifelong passion for the traditional arts and crafts of Rajasthan. Conceived by award-winning architect Anu Mridul and designer Shilpa Mridul, TJL aims to introduce a global audience to the artistically and technically skilled craftsmen of Rajasthan and, via an exchange of ideas and skill sets, help develop the centuries-old crafts into globally recognisable and marketable products. Our work, through the global connect, will help in making these traditional crafts sustainable and the artisans, many of whom are women, economically more empowered.
Translated literally, Rajasthan equals the land of kings and over centuries, has come to be known for its intricately woven legacies of pride and tradition. Through a series of diverse workshops, TJL allows art enthusiasts from across the world to experience first-hand the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan and learn some of the nuances involved in its myriad crafts. The program works on several layers, giving participants not only a microscopic, unadulterated perspective on the state where stunning handicrafts and fine arts were developed and nurtured through patronage of the maharajas, but also the opportunity to work directly with local artisans, learn from internationally recognised maestros and develop a toolkit of skills to carry with them for a lifetime.
Our series of workshops, spread over 15 days, include Tie and Dye, Block Printing, Dabu Printing, Screen Printing, Leather Embroidery, Durrie Weaving, Puppet Making, and Handmade Paper Making. Food trails, architecture walks, and visits to artisans’ houses and key heritage buildings in the area renowned for its forts and palaces, will allow for a 360° experience and acquaint the participants with the city of Jodhpur, which has always been an active occupational centre for these traditional crafts.
TJL welcomes arts students, academics and enthusiasts with a thirst to see art at its stage of creation and a passion for engaging in, and contributing to, creating a world where art and design transcend race, religion, and national and international borders.